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Knights  In the future, a kickboxer and a robot lead a revolution against ruling cyborgs. He said it takes a cyborg to kill a cyborg. She’s going to prove him dead wrong.

Excellent B-Movie

Knights  For Kathy’s second movie but first starring role, this one shows her wonderful fighting style. She is the first woman martial artist that I have seen that fights like a man (a compliment, not sexist). I believe that if given the right roles and training her acting career could take off.

It is obviously a low budget movie so what can one expect but poor acting, direction, and production. Given that that is taken into account it has a good story, great fight scenes, and a great mentor, Kris Kristofferson. Although I doubt he did his own fighting.

Mixed Fighting, Mixed Fighting, and more Mixed Fighting

Champion martial artist Kathy Long can fight like nobodies business. If you don’t like mixed fighting, you will not like this film. There is virtually no plot, but simply a vehicle for Cathy Long to beat up and kill more men than anyone has ever killed in a movie. She is a fighting machine. There is no signature scene and the fighting is somewhat repetative. It doesn’t match her masterpiece “The Stranger” for the quality of her fights, but the sheer quantity is unsurpassed.

Can we get a sequel?!?

This was a great action movie. i’ve always been a Kathy Long fan anyways, but she kicked some major butt in this movie. The one thing I didn’t like was the epic, must have a sequel, ending. A sequel that we will never see unfortunately.

Kick-ass star…

Although she’s working alongside some fairly big name stars, here, it’s Kathy Long who steals the show in KNIGHTS. Albert Pyun’s direction is, as usual, one part low-budget exploitation and one part Art House (it’s an interesting combination, and a blend Pyun has fairly patented) and he has the good sense to showcase what made Kathy Long famous- her outstanding full contact martial arts experience. The highlight of the movie, without a shadow of a doubt, is the sequence where she singlehandedly wades through a veritable army of evildoers. Had I been unfamiliar with her professional fighting career, I might’ve mistook this extended sequence for some lesser filmmaker’s perverse wish-fulfillment. It’s not: having seen her fight, I can attest to the fact that Kathy Long COULD wade through a veritable army of evildoers. (And, like ravishing Rhonda Rousey, she’s a looker…) (Either one of them could kick MY a** any time…)

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