Misery, Along with The Shawshank Redemption and Stand By Me, Misery is one of the best adaptations of Stephen King’s work. On its own terms too, it is a brilliant film with a wonderful atmosphere especially. The film looks very good, with the sets, costumes, locations and cinematography striking and suitably atmospheric. The screenplay is very fine, exploring themes such as fanatical devotion, artistic dilemmas and worthiness of commercial fiction without a psychological suspense context, while the story is always well paced and compelling.
Also outstanding is the direction of Rob Reiner. He adeptly exercises in chilling claustrophobia and allows a numerous numbers of genuine jolts. The acting is great, James Caan, Richard Farnsworth and Lauren Bacall are all great but the film belongs to Kathy Bates who is monstrously scary and deservedly won an Oscar for her brilliant performance.
Overall, Misery is a superb film and one of the best Stephen King adaptations.